Chairman of the National Commission
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

___________________ I.N. Tasmagambetov
«     »                                    2011

of the Kazakhstan National Committee
for the UNESCO programme "Man and the Biosphere"
of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO


1.1. Kazakhstan National Committee for UNESCO programme "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB) is established by the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO for the development and realization of long-term UNESCO programme "Man and the Biosphere" in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as for coordination and organization of the activities of Kazakhstan state institutions, scientific and public organizations in the frames of their participation in UNESCO MAB Program.

1.2. Kazakhstan National Committee for the UNESCO MAB Program (hereinafter – the Committee) is an expert-consultative body of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO (hereinafter – the Commission).

1.3.  In its activities the Committee is governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolutions of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Provisions of the Commission, resolutions (decrees) of the Commission, the present Provisions, Statutes of UNESCO and Statutes of the National Commissions for UNESCO, international agreements in which the Republic of Kazakhstan takes part, and other normative legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.4. The name of the Committee:

1.4.1. Full name of the Committee:

in state language– "Адам және биосфера" ЮНЕСКО бағдарламасы Қазақстандық Ұлттық Комитеті (МАB);

in Russian – Казахстанский национальный комитет программы ЮНЕСКО «Человек и биосфера»;

in English – Kazakhstan National Committee for the UNESCO Programme “Man and the Biosphere”;

1.4.2. Short name of the Committee:

in state language –   МАБ Қазақстан ұлттық комитеті;

in Russian – Казахстанский национальный комитет МАБ;

in English – Kazakhstan MAB National Committee.

1.5. The Committee cooperates with UNESCO, other international governmental and non-governmental organizations, national committees and commissions of foreign countries for UNESCO programme "Man and the Biosphere".

1.6.  The Committee carries out its activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the following address: Institute of Zoology RK, 93 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.7. The Committee is reorganized and eliminated by the resolution of the Chairman of the Commision.

1.8. The Committee of approved composition is given full powers in accordance with this Provisions for the period of 5 years.


2.1. The subject of activity of the Committee is development and realization of the projects and activities for harmonization of the interactions between the people and the nature in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the frames of UNESCO programme "Man and the Biosphere".

2.2. The goals of the Committee’s activity are:

2.2.1.  promotion of the UNESCO MAB Program, contribution to the realization of its main provisions’ and priority directions of its activity at the national and international levels;

2.2.2. assistance in improving policies and legislative base in ecology and environmental protection;

2.2.3. establishment of the national network of biosphere reserves in the Republic of Kazakhstan and its integration in the regional and global networks of biosphere reserves in the frames of the UNESCO MAB Program;

2.2.4.  monitoring of the condition of Kazakhstan national biosphere reserves network, organization and conduction of scientific research and public activities associates with the UNESCO MAB Program’s realization in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2.2.5.  coordination of the work carried out by scientific, state and public organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan within the UNESCO MAB Program;

2.2.6.   analysis and summarizing of information materials on the new achievements in sustainable use and biosphere resources’ conservation, received from UNESCO and other international organizations, and communicating this information to interested public and state organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2.2.7. developing general and specialized educational courses, publishing activity, cartography (map production), video and TV programs’ production, development of specialized software, electronic databases and internet resources;

2.2.8. distribution of ecologic knowledge and nature protection ideas by their popularization in mass media.


For realization of the goal and in the limits of its power the Committee has the right to:

3.1. choose the specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their inclusion into the World biosphere reserves network and develop according nomination documents for their further submission to UNESCO;

3.2. organize own scientific research and coordinate scientific work carried out by various scientific and state institutions in the frames of UNESCO MAB Program;

3.3. recruit wide variety of scientific, state, public organizations and physical bodies, including foreign specialists and representatives of international organizations, interested in the development of the UNESCO MAB Program;

3.4. organize, reorganize and eliminate temporary expert groups in course of activities for the UNESCO MAB Program;

3.5. initiate, organize and conduct in the Republic of Kazakhstan meetings, seminars and conferences, as well as other events, dedicated to the development of the national network of biosphere reserves and realization of  the UNESCO MAB Program in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3.6. introduce suggestions to the Authorized body about the creation of specially protected natural territories – potential biosphere reserves;

3.7. submit requests to the organizations, ministries, institutions and agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for information, materials and reference data on the topics of the Committee’s activity in the established order;

3.8. develop suggestions of the Commission for participation of Kazakhstan specialists and organizations in international events, as well as nominations for prizes and stipend programs, iwithin the UNESCO MAB Program and wider participation of Kazakhstan representatives in global and regional biosphere reserves’ networks;

3.9. approve, in agreement with the Commission, and award prizes and diplomas for achievements in nature protection and research of nature resources of Kazakhstan, conduct contests among schoolchildren and student and young specialists for best scientific works and practical developments in ecology, nature protection and natural resources’ conservation;

3.10. develop educational courses on nature protection and ecology, specialized software and electronic databases, conduct exhibitions (photo, local craftsmanship products made of natural materials, ecologically friendly produce of local companies, etc.) and develop souvenir products;

3.11. take part in the development and realization of national and international projects on study and conservation of natural resources;

3.12. create documentaries, thematic internet portals, prepare press-releases, articles and other materials for mass media concerning the UNESCO MAB Program;

3.13. publish and distribute according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan publishing production (photo albums, posters, leaflets, maps, information bulletins, journals, scientific compilations, guides, monographs, proceedings of conferences, seminars and workshops, etc.) in the frames of the UNESCO MAB Program;

3.14. initiate inclusion in international regional biosphere reserves networks, sign a memorandum of intent, collaboration agreements and other documents with foreign national MAB committees, international and regional organizations and unions in the frames of the UNESCO MAB Program.


4.1. Organizational-technical support of the Committee’s activity is carried out through public association Tethys Scientific Society.

4.2. State funding of the Committee’s activity is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science RoK, Ministry of Agriculture RoK and Ministry of Environmental Protection of RoK in agreement with the Commission.

4.3. Non-state funding of the Committee’s activity is carried out through purpose contributions, sponsorship, grants and other sources of funding which do not contradict the active legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


5.1. The members of the Committee are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the decision of the Commission; the composition of the Committee and any changes in it are agreed with the Commission on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee.

5.2. The members of the Committee are experts in one of the areas of biology, geography, ecology and nature protection, and also lawyer, economist, representative of environmental non-governmental organization and representative of state authorized body, responsible for development and improvement of Kazakhstan national network of specially protected natural territories.

5.3. The management body of the Committee consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Scientific Secretary.

5.4. Chairman of the Committee is appointed to this position and dismissed by the decision of the Commission.


6.1. The Committee is accountable to the Commission, and directly coordinates its activity with the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty and UNESCO MAB Secretariat in Paris.

6.2. The activity of the Committee is carried out in interaction with the Commission and corresponding Ministries and agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provide the necessary assistance to the Committee in its work.

6.3. The Committee submits an annual report to the Commission about its activity.

6.4. The Committee conducts its activity:

6.4.1. by discussion of the questions at the General meetings of the Committee members;

6.4.2. through the work of temporary expert groups, created by the Committee’s direction;

6.4.3. by one-time assignments given by the Committee’s direction to its members.

6.5. All important decisions of the Committee are taken at the General meeting of the Committee members, which occur as needed, but not less than once a quarter.

6.5.1. General meeting of the Committee members has the right to discuss questions and take decisions if not less than half of its listed members are present.

6.5.2. The decisions of the General meeting of the Committee members are takes by simple majority in open voting.

6.5.3. Participants of the General meeting of the Committee members, besides the members themselves, might as well include other people invited by the Chairman with the right of consultative voice.

6.6. The work of the Committee is governed by the Chairman of the Committee, and in the absence of the Chairman by the Deputy Chairman. Ongoing scientific and organizational work is performed by the Scientific Secretary of the Committee.

6.7. The exclusive competence of the General meeting of the Committee members, besides other work questions, includes:

6.7.1. preliminary review of the changes and additions to the present Provisions, needed to be further approved by the Commission;

6.7.2. defining the main directions of the Committee’s activity;

6.7.3. defining and approval of the regulations of the General meeting of the Committee members;

6.7.4. review and approval of the reports of temporary expert groups’ leaders and preliminary review of the annual report of the Committee’s Chairman on the Committee’s activity;

6.7.5. the appointment and dismissal of Deputy Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the Committee by recommendation of the the Chairman of the Committee.

6.8. Chairman of the Committee is the first manager of the Committee and carries out current governing and operative management in all the directions of the Committee’s activity, including:

6.8.1. current management of the Committee’s activity and ensures execution of the decisions taken at the General meeting of the Committee members; appoints and conducts General meetings of the Committee members;

6.8.2. represents the Committee at state, non-governmental, scientific, environmental and other Kazakhstan, foreign and international institutions and organizations;

6.8.3. on Committee’s behalf signs agreements with other organizations, institutions, enterprises, regardless of their organizational legal form, as well as with physical bodies;

6.8.4. reports about carried out work at the General meetings of the Committee members and further at the Commission;

6.8.5. defines and approves the composition of temporary expert groups, as well as order and period of reports to be presented by these groups’ leaders;

6.8.6. gives orders, instructions and assignments on the current activities of the Committee;

6.8.7. organizes and controls the work on international and national projects and programs, appoints coordinators, supervisors and leaders;

6.8.8. signs all the documents for internal and external activity of the Committee;

6.8.9. makes suggestions list to the Commission about the changes in the Committee’s structure and members’ list;

6.8.10. organizes interaction, collaboration and networking with other Kazakhstan, foreign and international organizations and mass media;

6.8.11. practices other powers not included in the competency of the General meeting of the Committee members.

6.9. Deputy Chairman is the second manager of the Committee and carries out general management of the Committee, including:

6.9.1. based on the decree issued by the Committee’s Chairman carries out current governing and operative management in all the directions of the Committee’s activity in the absence of the Committee’s Chairman or his/her temporary disability, business trips,

6.9.2. represents the Committee in relations with other legal and physical bodies, state bodies,

6.9.3.  gives instructions on the current activity of the Committee;

6.9.4. organizes and controls the work on international and national projects and programs of the Committee;

6.9.5. carries out interaction, collaboration and networking with other organizations;

6.10. Scientific Secretary of the Committee is the third manager of the Committee and carries out general management of the Committee, including:

6.10.1. prepares General meetings of the Committee members and takes their minutes, assists Committee’s Chairman or its Deputy in their conduction;

6.10.2. represents the Committee at other legal and physical bodies, state bodies;

6.10.3. gives assignments on the current activity of the Committee.


7.1. Members of the Committee have the right to:

7.1.1. participate in General meetings of the Committee members with voting right, elect and be elected to become Deputy Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the Committee, and to be appointed as a leader of temporary expert group or leader of international or national project of the Committee;

7.1.2. participate in all events and activities carried out by the Committee;

7.1.3. by written assignment of the Committee’s Chairman represent the Committee at the national or international meetings, as well as in state bodies and public organizations;

7.1.4. cooperate in sections, working and other groups according to their profile and priority directions of the Committee’s activity;

7.1.5. receive full information about the work of the Committee;

7.1.6. suggest topics to be discussed at the General meetings of the Committee members on the questions related to its activity;

7.2. Members of the Committee have the obligation to:

7.2.1. comply with the given Provisions of the Committee and carry out assignments of the Committee’s direction and decisions of the General meetings of the Committee members;

7.2.2. actively participate in the work of the Committee and in realizing the goals of UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7.2.3.  to not disclose confidential information about the Committee’s activity and information that may harm the Committee, and also refrain from any other activity that could harm the Committee.

7.3. Exclusion from the Committee is carried out by the decision of the Commission by the recommendation of the General meeting of the Committee members:

7.3.1. in case of voluntary withdrawal from the Committee’s members list – by the decision of the General meeting of the Committee members based on written statement of the member to the Chairman of the Committee;

7.3.2. in case of non-compliance to the given Provisions – based on reasoned decision of the General meeting of the Committee members.

The given Provisions are approved by the decision of the General meeting of the Committee members as of 15 July 2011 in Almaty.

of the Kazakhstan MAB National Committee
Doctor of biological sciences
R. Jashenko